Opposing the Confirmation of Michael Boggs

Passed 6/2/2014

WHEREAS, in exchange for moving forward other judicial nominations, the President has nominated for the U.S. District Court in the Northern District of Georgia Michael Boggs, who has taken positions against LGBT rights and women’s right of choice, including by supporting a plan for publicly posting the names of doctors who perform abortions, voting against same-sex marriage, and voting for continued use of the Confederate flag, and

WHEREAS, If Michael Boggs’ appointment by a Democratic President is confirmed the Senate with any Democratic support, it makes it difficult for Democrats to oppose a future appointment of Boggs to a higher Court, and

WHEREAS, Some Democrats have opposed the appointment including Majority Leader Reid, Senator Boxer, and Georgia Congressman John Lewis,

NOW THERERFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Democratic Party of the San Fernando Valley thanks Senators Feinstein and Boxer for their statements of concern about this nomination and calls on them to vote against confirmation of Michael Boggs.