Opposing Phasing Out Social Security

Passed 01/03/2005

WHEREAS Social Security is the most successful domestic program in American history, having provided a guaranteed retirement safety net for millions of Americans since 1935, and

WHEREAS current Congressional Budget Office projections report the trust fund will remain solvent through 2052, afterwards covering 81% of promised benefits, with no change to the program, while transition costs alone for abandoning Social Security in favor of private accounts are estimated at 2 trillion dollars, and

WHEREAS the so-called “crisis” in Social Security is a manufactured scare tactic intended to bolster President Bush’s plans to replace Social Security with an unstable market-based system,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Democratic Party of the San Fernando Valley opposes any effort to phase out and/or replace Social Security, in whole or in part, in favor of a private accounts-based system, and

RESOLVED that the Democratic Party of the San Fernando Valley will not endorse or support financially any Democratic candidate who expresses support, advocates for, or votes for such a plan